Print your tree

Stephen explains how to print in the Genealogy Browser

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Print these instructions
  1. These instructions assume you have already manually entered or imported your family tree into OneGreatFamily.
  2. Go to the Family Tree tab.
  3. On the Family Tree tab, click on the blue "Genealogy Browser" button to install & launch our full-featured family tree software, which has every feature you need to build, view, and edit your family tree.
  4. The Genealogy Browser will automatically launch or you'll be prompted to install the Genealogy Browser. (What is the Genealogy Browser?, Genealogy Browser installation instructions).
Genealogy Browser installation instructions
Internet Explorer 7
FireFox 3
Windows Vista
  1. Click the "Genealogy Browser" button.
  2. A small "Launching Application" window will open.
  3. When the "Launching Application" window finishes, it will automatically go away and next you will see a "Downloading Genealogy Browser" window.
  4. Once the Downloading Genealogy Browser progress bar finishes Vista will show you a "User Account Control" window.
  5. In the "User Account Control" click Allow.
  6. The Genealogy Browser will then open. The Genealogy Browser is now successfully installed on your computer.
Internet Explorer 7
Windows XP
  1. Click the "Genealogy Browser" button.
  2. The grey "Launching Genealogy Browser" bar will appear.
  3. Inside the white box on the right of the grey launching bar will be the message "Click here to install the following ActiveX control: 'Genealogy Browser' from ''..."
  4. Click the "Click here to install" message.
  5. A small menu will appear with two choices "Install ActiveX Control..." and "What's the Risk?"
  6. Click "Install ActiveX Control..."
  7. An Internet Explorer - Security Warning will now appear.
  8. Click the "Install" button.
  9. The Genealogy Browser will then automatically install and open. The Genealogy Browser is now successfully installed on your computer.
FireFox 3
Windows XP
  1. Click the "Genealogy Browser" button.
  2. You'll be taken to the Important Installation for Netscape and Firefox Users page.
  3. Listed on this page are a series of steps we are going to repeat here.
  4. First click the "HERE" link in step 1.
  5. Firefox will popup an "Opening npgb13.exe" window. Click the Save File button.
  6. Firefox will next show npgb13.exe in the Firefox Downloads window.
  7. Once dpgb13.exe is completely downloaded double-click it in the Downloads window.
  8. Firefox will then popup a window asking you if you want to "Open Executable File?". Click the OK button.
  9. Windows will then open a "Open File - Security Warning" window. Click the "Run" button.
  10. Next Firefox will popup a "Genealogy Browser Plug-in" window, click the "Yes" button.
  11. Firefox will then display a "Genealogy Browser Plug-in installation successful for Fire Fox 3.0.8 (en-US)!" message. Click the OK button.
  12. The Genealogy Browser will then open. The Genealogy Browser is now successfully installed on your computer.
  1. After the Genealogy Browser is open, click the File menu, then click "Print...".
  2. Follow the prompts in the Print dialogue box that will appear to select your preferred printing option.
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