Family Tree Form

Trying to find a lost relative? Ever wonder if you and a friend with a similar last name are related?

Whether you are looking for a traditional four-generation pedigree chart or for a family tree form that expands indefinitely, OneGreatFamily provides a family tree form that is connected to one of the largest genealogical databases in the world.

OneGreatFamily, allows its members to collaborate and work on a single family tree. In other words, when OneGreatFamily members are researching their own genealogical data they are actually doing genealogy for you as well. In addition, the OneGreatFamily database contains millions of names, biographies, pictures, and videos which will help you fill in those frustrating 'genealogical gaps' on your own family tree form. The OneGreatFamily database will allow you to see where you fit in with the rest of humanity!

A Shared World Database
Once you have entered the OneGreatFamily database, OneGreatFamily will send you continual updates regarding newly contributed names and information. You will be able to see what other members of OneGreatFamily have already contributed to your own family tree. You will always have the latest information regarding the research that others have done on your own ancestors and your ancestors' descendents as well.

Meet and Collaborate
With OneGreatFamily, you will also have the opportunity to meet your 'genealogical cousins' and collaborate with thousands of 'genealogy aficionados' while contributing to the original-online family tree form. With OneGreatFamily's collaboration features, other people will update their own genealogy while contributing to your research as well!

Search Millions of Names
With OneGreatFamily, you will have access to a database packed with millions of names, photographs, videos, biographies, etc. This information is contributed and shared by members, and allows you to greatly increase the size of your own family tree form.

Edit Your Data from Anywhere
With Internet access, you can edit and view your data from pretty much anywhere. You don't have to worry about buying special software, or hardware. You don't have to go to a genealogical center just to store your data. OneGreatFamily allows you to store and edit data from just about anywhere, and OneGreatFamily protects all of your genealogical data with continual backups.

Additional OneGreatFamily Features and Benefits
In addition, OneGreatFamily also allows you to:

Ancestor Search

Enter Ancestor's Last Name:
Advanced Search
See what information we have in our database of over 190 million unique entries. Browse Alphabetically
  • Photos
  • Biographies
  • Histories
  • Country Origin
  • Alternate Spellings
  • Number of Generations
“...One person can't possibly do all of the work alone. They need help to speed up the work...The only way to do this is with your wonderful service...”
—Jeff Bagley
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