Genealogy Surname

A genealogy surname is usually the best way to begin a family search. At the beginning, it's easy. You start with your four-generation family tree chart, and then you fill out the names of the ancestors you are already aware of. It does become more difficult however, when you realize that you have several, if not hundreds of 'genealogical gaps' on your otherwise perfect family tree diagram. What is the best way to fill these gaps without spending countless hours in the pursuit of your family roots? OneGreatFamily has the answers.

One of the Largest Genealogy Surname Databases
With just one genealogy surname, you can be a contributor to one of the largest genealogical databases in the world. This database, which is organized and administrated by OneGreatFamily, contains the largest single family tree in the world.

How does OneGreatFamily Work?
To become a OneGreatFamily member, you simply enter a genealogy surname into the OneGreatFamily database. OneGreatFamily continually reviews newly added information, so it will soon locate your genealogy surname along with other new names and compare them with the millions of names which are already stored in the database. Unlike other genealogical Websites, OneGreatFamily will sift through the names which are not related to your information for you, so you don't have too, and send you -via email- the names which are related to your genealogy surname. Many OneGreatFamily members are surprised to see how fast their family trees begin to grow with help from the OneGreatFamily search-and-sift applications. OneGreatFamily members are also pleased when they realize the number of connections that can be made by collaborating with others.

Additional OneGreatFamily Features and Benefits

Ancestor Search

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  • Photos
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  • Country Origin
  • Alternate Spellings
  • Number of Generations
“...One person can't possibly do all of the work alone. They need help to speed up the work...The only way to do this is with your wonderful service...”
—Jeff Bagley
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