Surname History

Your surname history can be found in more than one place- and in more than one story. In fact, it is very likely that your surname history will be found in more than one family tree. A surname history is found and expanded by and through collaboration, and collaboration - thanks to the Internet- is now widely available to ANYONE.

Meet and Collaborate
Some Websites stake their claim by professing to have a surname history for various common family names. These Websites often provide family coats of arms which are not always historically accurate, and a surname history which provides little or no valuable information. It can be frustrating, but there are other ways. A recommendable genealogical Website is Here is what they have to offer you to help make your surname history search a much easier and more enjoyable experience:

  • OneGreatFamily offers you the opportunity to work with thousands of OneGreatFamily members who are working on a single family tree. It is very likely that some or many of these family trees are connected to your own pedigree chart, and through collaboration it is also likely that you will find accurate and even entertaining information regarding your ancestors and their descendents.
  • Unlike other genealogical Websites, OneGreatFamily does not provide storage space for individual family trees. OneGreatFamily provides space for the a single family tree, which means that thousands of OneGreatFamily members work together on a single family tree.
  • Unlike other Websites, OneGreatFamily provides its members with relevant results only. These results are labeled as definitely relevant, most likely relevant, or possible relevant. Other Websites leave you with thousands of names to sift through. OneGreatFamily sifts through millions of names for you.
  • OneGreatFamily also does the 'genealogical leg-work' for you. Once you are working with other OneGreatFamily members, your family roots will begin to expand with very little effort on your part. OneGreatFamily continually reviews newly contributed names, and compares them with the millions of names which are currently stored in the OGF database.
  • OneGreatFamily allows you to view your entire pedigree chart, instead of viewing only a chunk at a time. The zoom-in, zoom-out feature makes editing easy as well.

Additional OneGreatFamily Benefits
If the phrase, 'find ancestor' makes you tired and irritable, please remember the following:

Ancestor Search

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Advanced Search
See what information we have in our database of over 190 million unique entries. Browse Alphabetically
  • Photos
  • Biographies
  • Histories
  • Country Origin
  • Alternate Spellings
  • Number of Generations
“...One person can't possibly do all of the work alone. They need help to speed up the work...The only way to do this is with your wonderful service...”
—Jeff Bagley
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