Anna Talbot
Birth date:
WFT Est 1434-1458
Birth place:
, , ,
Death date:
  WFT Est 1450-1542
Death place:
  , , ,

Talbot Family

Father: 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury John Talbot
Mother: Catherine
Spouse: Henry Vernon
Richard Talbot
Philippa Talbot
Hannah Talbot
Philippe Talbot
Robert Talbot
Gilbert Talbot
Eleanor Maltravers
Richard Talbot
Mary Talbot
Benjamin Talbot
Joseph Talbot
Elizabeth Talbot Baroness Lisle
William Carre
John Talbot
James Talbot
Anne Talbot
Ann Talbot
Katherine Talbot
Gilbert Talbot
2nd Earl of Shrewsbury John Talbot
Anna Talbot