As a member of our affiliate program, you have access to a wide variety of banners, text links, interactive and content links you can use to promote us. To access the coded links, log in to CJ at From the Account Manager interface, click on "Get Links" in the top row. Then click "By Relationship" in the row just below that. You will see a list of all the advertisers whose programs you have joined. Click "View Links" next to any advertiser's name to get a list of the links available from that advertiser. Click "Get HTML" to access the HTML code you will need to insert into your web design program or email.
The URL in your link should look something like this:
Where the 1's represent your PID and the 2's are the ad's specific AID.
It's always a good idea to run a test of your link before you send it to a million people or push it live on your home page, just to make sure there are no typos or other problems that would affect your tracking.